Click here to email the village:
Phone: 618-853-2613
New Village Hall Hours:
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Monday thru Friday.
The Regular Board meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month. Below is the
Regular Board Meeting schedule:
8th, 2024 February
12th, 2024 March
11th, 2024 April
8th, 2024
May 13th, 2024 June
10th, 2024 July
8th, 2024 August
12th, 2024 September
9th, 2024 October
14th, 2024 November
11th, 2024
December 9th, 2024
For Police Service please contact Randolph County Sheriffs Office at

Welcome to the Village of Evansville
The Village of Evansville President, Clerk and Board of Trustees would like to
welcome you to our beautiful community located on the banks of the Kaskaskia River. Our Village
has many points of interest to offer and we hope you enjoy it.
Evansville is the only community in Randolph County that is directly situated on the banks of the
beautiful Kaskaskia River. It is in an area of good soil fertility and is close to the major
potential lake sites in the county.
Evansville is expected to continue to grow as area and regional development exert their influences
on population.
Economic Structure:
Evansville is an agriculturally oriented trading and service center, and is also the location of a
relatively large grain loading facility, operated by Gateway Farm Service. Evansville is becoming
more of a residence center for community workers. The community is well situated with respect to
the prospects of benefiting from the development of Randolph County's resources in the
**Construction of a prolonged retention time to
allow for longer chemical treatment to the Villlage of Evansville Water Plant, 1901 Leo Gross
Drive, Evansville, IL were financed
by the Clean Water or Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
(SRF). The SRF program is administered by the
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and receives a portion
of its money to fund these types of projects from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This project includes
the addition to the water plant as well as the addition to a ribbon flow to the water tower. .
Once complete, it will
improve water quality for area residents and businesses in
Evansville, IL by allowing more detention time to allow the checmicals to better treat the
water that is distributed. SRF
programs operate in each state to provide communities the
resources necessary to build, maintain, and improve the
infrastructure that protects one of our most valuable resources:
water. **
Land Use and Housing:
Evansville has more land within the village limits than it is using. Its housing stock is
generally in good condition, but the range of housing types is limited. Zoning Codes have been in
effect for over 25 years providing for a more organized constriction plan. New construction is in
compliance of BOCA National Building Code Regulations of 1993.
Transportation and Circulations:
Evansville has relatively good north and south access over Illinois Route 3, but is less well
served in other directions. Its streets are adequate for present and expected future traffic
loads if improved to standards and given adequate maintenance; with the reclassification of County
route 4 per traffic demands, the main thoroughfare has also been upgraded which has allowed for an
increase of agriculture commerce.
The most clearly visible prospect for Evansville is to reap some of the benefits from the
continuing trend for recreation and travel. It is near the Mississippi River. Being situated on
the Kaskaskia River and near scenic spots in the Kaskaskia Bluffs, it is a prime spot for
recreation development.
The Village of Evansville is a Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
Evansville Public
The Evansville Library is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from
12-5 pm. If information is needed after hours, please feel free to leave a message at